VISION Land Management Institute of National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine is a state research institution which purpose is to ensure the formation of a new strategy for the development of land relations and the models and mechanisms of rational land use and land protection, the involvement of land resources in economic circulation and their capitalization. Among the important tasks of the Institute are the development of technologies for the formation of digital spatial, statistical and administrative data and the transition to a digital model of the economy.
In order to successfully achieve these goals, the Institute carries out a full range of research, design, survey, land evaluation and topographical and geodetic activities using all modern technologies.
There the Academic Council and two research departments as part of Land Management Institute of National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine :
Department of Problems of Land Development and Land Cadastre;
Department of Experimental Land Use Planning "Innovation Center".
The Institute carries out research in the field of land relations, in particular:
Development of directions and mechanisms for institutional support of regulation of land relations and land management, legal and ecological methods of land administration.
Development of a new paradigm and methodological framework for land use economics, spatial planning and land formation.
Development of state and industry standards in the spheres of land management, land cadastre, land conservation and sustainable land use.
Development of strategic and short-term economic forecasts of land use changes
Scientific, practical, consulting and informational and analytical assistance to enterprises, institutions and organizations for the sustainable use of land resources.
Land market monitoring
Scientific topics: Institutional principles of land management development in the process of economic modernization; Theoretical and methodological principles of improving the land management system of the territories of united territorial communities; Theoretical and methodological principles of land management organization of organic agriculture; Theoretical and methodological principles of improving the land management system of agricultural enterprises; Improvement of legislative and normative-legal maintenance of settlement of land relations;П Дослідження колізії чинного законодавства щодо повноважень органів виконавчої влади та органів місцевого самоврядування у сфері охорони і раціонального використання земель; Scientific principles of transformation of degraded and unproductive agricultural lands in private ownership;П Theoretical and methodological principles of improving the land cadastre system in Ukraine;П Scientific principles of classification of purpose and types of land use;ПScientific principles of classification of regime-forming objects and restrictions in land use maintained by the State Land Cadastre;П Research of establishment and change of borders of territories of rural communities and rural settlements;П Scientific principles of land zoning according to the legal regime of use;П Scientific bases of spatial planning of development of rural territories in the process of land management;П Institutional bases of formation and functioning of land capital of rural territories;П To substantiate the institutional principles of sustainable use planning and protection of agricultural lands;П Develop scientific and methodological principles of strategic environmental assessment in the field of land management;П Scientific principles of land consolidation in the process of reforming land relations;П Scientific bases of land management design on ecological and economic substantiation of crop rotations and land management;П Substantiation of land distribution (redistribution) by purpose and types of use in the land use system;П Theoretical and methodological principles of creation and implementation of the National Infrastructure of Geospatial Data;П Information and analytical support of land resources management;
Design and survey activities
The Institute carries out land surveying, geodetic, land valuation work. Among the areas of the project work are: the organization of the territory of the communities, the establishment of boundaries of administrative-territorial entities, etc. In particular:
Conducting land surveying, land cadastral, land valuation and other works, surveys in the sphere of land use and land protection.
Topographic, geodetic and cartographic activities performed on the basis of remote sensing of the Earth.
Developing urban designs and documantation
Topographic and current location changes
Development of documentation for the operation of the united territorial communities
Formation of communal land
Development of programs for the land use and land protection in settlements, districts and areas.
Copyright to literary and written works of a technical nature:
"Terms of reference for the development of an automated information system for land monitoring and soil quality control (requirements)";
"Action Plan for the Development and Implementation of the Land Monitoring and Soil Quality Control System";
"Concept of creating a system of land monitoring and soil quality control";
"Scientific and methodological recommendations for the development of land management projects to establish the boundaries of territories of territorial communities" Part I: Requirements for drafting";
"Scientific and methodological recommendations for the development of land management projects to establish the boundaries of territorial communities. Part 2: Standard of the enterprise "Development of a land management project for establishing the boundaries of the territory of a territorial community";
"Scientific and methodological recommendations on the application of the Methodology of normative monetary valuation of land plots. Part 1: General Requirements";
"Scientific and methodological recommendations for the development of land management projects for the establishment (change) of the boundaries of administrative-territorial units (district, village, town, city, district in the city) Part 1: Basic requirements for the preparation of a land management project";
"Scientific and methodological recommendations for the development of land management projects for land allocation. Part 1: Basic requirements for the preparation of a land management project for land allocation";
"Scientific and methodological recommendations for the development of technical documentation on land management for the inventory of forestry land. Part 1: Basic requirements"
Information and analytical developments
One of the directions of the Institute's activities is to provide information and analytical services on the use of geoinformation technologies in the sphere of land relations. In particular:
Development of geographic information systems and models of land development in Ukraine, land management for the formation of sustainable land use in rural and urban areas.
Development of spatial, statistical, and administrative data technology.
Data transfer from paper to digital form.
Creating and transforming geospatial data
Use of geospatial data as a platform for sustainable spatial development of rural and urban areas in the geospatial data infrastructure ideology.
The list of services provided by the regional TISCs are developed in accordance with the general WIPO requirements
1. Basic level - mandatory, in accordance with WIPO requirements (free of charge):
- providing access to patent and non-patent information resources;
- providing consulting assistance on the use of the above-mentioned information resources;
- organization of distance learning under the WIPO Academy programs.
2. Additional services are optional (free of charge):
- provision of general information on legislation in the field of intellectual property and innovation, as well as regulations on the execution and filing of applications for titles of protection for industrial property rights and maintaining their validity;
- assistance in conducting searches and obtaining technical information;
- training in searching specialized databases and other information resources in the field of intellectual property;
- providing basic recommendations on the formation of license agreements;
- informing about the possibilities of obtaining consultations of intellectual property specialists;
- participation in the organization and holding of scientific and practical conferences, seminars and other events on the legal protection and use of the results of intellectual and creative activity, development of innovation, and patent research;
- advising on general issues of execution and filing of applications (including in electronic form) for issuance of titles of protection for IPR;
- providing users with access to TISC hardware and software;
- other services.
The leadership of the institute
Dorosh Yosyp Myroslavovych
Doctor of Economics, professor, corresponding member of NAAS