13 April 2021 - Дорош Й.М.

(Укр) Agricultural cooperation as a form of organization of rational land use

13. Dorosh O., Dorosh I., Ibatullin Sh., Fomenko V., Dorosh A.


It is established that the monopolization of means of production, in particular agricultural in rural areas, is one of the reasons for the decrease in the population of these regions, and also leads to a decrease in local budget revenues. Accordingly, maintaining one’s own infrastructure at the proper level becomes less and less realistic. It was found that most United Territorial Communities (UTC) budgets in Ukraine are subsidized and their average subsidy from the government is about 45%. We found that 13 land users cultivate 68.5% of the agricultural land of the Kolomatska UTC.


The community needs to increase its own budget revenues by 6.3% annually in order to
compensate 60% of subventions and subsidies during 5 years. It is established that one of the ways to achieve this goal is to change the form of organization of agricultural production in the community from cultivation by single land users of large tracts of land they lease to the formation of agricultural cooperatives by landowners to ensure rational use of local resources and income distribution. Agricultural cooperatives are institutions of collective action that contribute to the rationalization of the use of natural resources. It is estimated that such a transition will
double the income of landowners, and local budget revenues will increase by about 25%


Ключові слова: agricultural cooperatives, institutions of collective action, local budget, forms of organization of agricultural production, local taxes


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