13 Квітня 2021 - Дорош Й.М.

Assessment of the system of allocation of subventions and subsidies and their impact on the development of rural territories.

Olha DOROSH, Iosyp DOROSH, Viacheslav FOMENKO, Andriy DOROSH, Viktoriia SALIUTA


It was found that a rapid decrease in the population, monopolization of agricultural and other production in rural areas leads to a decrease in local budget revenues, which makes it impossible to maintain its own infrastructure at the proper level. It is proved that rational, aimed at the economic development allocation of subventions and subsidies, their distribution among rural communities, and the most important areas of funding will solve this problem. In view of this, the system of distribution of subventions and subsidies funds of the Ukrainian government for local budgets between the UTCs budgets and expenditure purposes (only UAH 1 billion or 2.8% of the total funds is spent on the development of UTCs) is analysed.


It is substantiated that the system of allocation of subventions and subsidies and their distribution among rural communities have a positive impact on the change of indicators of sustainable development of rural territories. We propose a methodology for calculating the necessary level of average annual growth of the community budget in order to reach the current level of expenditures by own
revenues. Taking into account the results obtained, it is found that for most communities budget revenues have to grow 6.9-10.0% annually, the financing of programs of economic development of the UTCs will require a significant increase, which will allow communities to achieve economic growth.


Ключові слова: subventions, subsidies, rural areas, sustainable development indicators, local budgets, economic development programs, local self-government


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