13 Квітня 2021 - Дорош Й.М.

Methodology of spatial planning of agricultural land use



The article describes the methodology of spatial planning and organization of agricultural land use in land management projects that provide ecological and economic justification of crop rotation, based on ecologicallandscape and ecological-economic basis. It’s advantage in comparison with the methodology of the Soviet planning system is that it harmonizes the issues of economic development, organization and production technology, the structure of the territory in accordance with local natural conditions with productive and spatial properties of soils, their natural potential. The methodology was tested on the example of agricultural land use of the NSP “Nyva” in the Stavyshchenskyi rayon of Kyivska oblast.


This methodology is based on social, economic and environmental aspects. It is substantiated that the economic efficiency of arable land use depends on the creation of appropriate organizational-territorial conditions. Field and forage crop rotation were introduced in the studied territory, considering the physical, geographical and economic conditions within the agro-landscape type of land
use. It has been proved that social efficiency is ensured through the additional jobs creation and improvement of the life quality of local people. The determining factor for calculating the ecological efficiency of arable land use is the maintenance of a non-deficit humus balance. In particular, the humus balance in field and forage crop rotations was calculated for 2018 and 2019. A humus deficiency balance between 0.22 and 0.48 t/ha was obtained in three of the nine crop rotation fields, which prompted us to adjust the fertilizer system.


Ключові слова: spatial planning, ecological-landscape approach, ecological-economic approach, land management project, humus balance.


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